For those of you who know someone with Aspergers/Autism, you know that one of the biggest challenges for them is to make friends. These kids are just as sensitive, loving and emotional as a typical school-going child, yet they view and say things differently. They have a difficult time 'reading' non-verbal communication, such as body language, facial expressions, as well as comprehend figurative language. They take everything at 'face value' and follow all the rules. Yet, they do not understand why even when they are good at playing basketball, they are the last ones to be picked by their classmates to be on a team.
Parenthood is a show on TV that I've been following since it started over a year ago. One of my favorite characters on this show is a little boy named Max. Max is a wonderful child who loves insects and playing video games. Once he starts an activity, he has to finish it. He cannot stop in between, no matter what. He has to follow his routine/plan. Sound familiar? He follows all the rules, but does not understand why grown-ups 'bend' the rules at times. He is this bright and lovable boy. Yet, he is constantly rejected by friends at school. He sits alone during lunch-time and is picked last on basketball teams. Last week, Max made a friend. He had a friend come over to him house for the very first time. EVER. It was so touching and I can only imagine what the parents were feeling.
Now I know this is a television show and not real-life, but because I know of so many families in similar situations, it felt very real and personal.
It's such a simple human need- to have a friend, to fit-in, to feel connected with someone. But it is SO complex with all our human emotions and personalities. Yayyy for Max!! Double yayyy for his parents Christina and's been a tough, tough road for them as well.
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